Saturday, February 2, 2013

Adjectives to Describe People

1.     friendly or nice  友好的亲切的simpático
           unfriendly or mean malo 
2.     generous 慷慨的大方的generosodadivoso
           cheap 吝啬的小气的tacañoroñoso
3.     hard-working or ambitious 勤 奋 的trabajadoraplicado
           lazy  懒 惰 的perezosoflojo
4.     honest  诚实的老实的正直的honradohonesto
           dishonest  不诚实的撒谎的deshonesto
5.     interesting 有 趣 的interesante
           boring 乏 味 的pesadoes una pelma
6.     organized  有组织的高效的organizado
           disorganized  混乱紊乱的无组织的desorganizado
7.     outgoing  性格外向的人sociableextrovertido
shy 害 羞 的tímidocohibidoreservado
8.     patient   耐心的平静等待的paciente
             impatient  不耐烦的没有耐心的不耐烦的不容忍的impatiente
9.     smart or intelligent  聪明的伶俐的inteligenteagudo
             stupid or dumb  愚蠢的笨的傻的tonto
10.   successful   事业有成的成功的有成就的tener éxitode éxito
11.   He's a creep.  讨厌鬼思想怪异的人¡Qué tipo más raro!, ¡Qué bicho! 

Phrasal Verbs #3: When will you find out if you got the job?

Part 3: Phrasal Verbs. Fill in the blanks. Use a two-part verb from the list. Sometimes you will need to add a pronoun, such as me, her, him, it, or them.

call off           
call up
drop off
figure out
fill out
find out
get back
get by
go on
grow up
look up
pick up
1. a. How did your job interview go*? *Did you do well or poorly?
    b. Pretty* well, I think. *相当好的, bastante, дово́льно
    a. Good! When will you find out if you got the job?
    b. By* the end of this week. *before or on the last day of this week
2. a. Do you have Jack's number? I need to call him up.
    b. Why?
    a. I wasn't in class today, and I need to find out what our homework is for tomorrow.
3. a. Can you tell me when the boss is going to get back from her business trip?
    b. Her flight arrives this afternoon at 3:00, but she won't be in the office until tomorrow. Would you like me to leave her a message?
4. a. Can you help me out?
    b. With what?
    a. I bought this chair at Ikea, but I can't figure out how to put it together. The instructions just don't make sense!* *aren't logical, 不有道理, no tienen sentido, смысл не ясно
5. a. I'm afraid we will have to call off our meeting tomorrow.
    b. But then we might not meet our deadline! , respetar el plazo, кра́йний срок
    a. I know, but three of the team members have the flu.
6. a. Well, you seem qualified* for the position. Would you like to fill out an application?  有资格的, preparado, capacitado, квалифицированный
    b. Absolutely*! Do you mind if I take it home and bring it back this afternoon?
        *绝对, ¡Claro que si!  безусловно
    a. No*, that will be fine.  *No, I don't mind. = That's OK. It doesn't bother me.     
7. a. Why don't you get a new iPhone?
    b. I don't have money to throw around*.  *, derrochar, despilfarrar, проматывать
         With my part-time job and my scholarship (奖学金, beca, стипендия), I make just enough money to get by (or get by on).
8. a. Are you going downtown?
    b. Yeah. Why?
    a. I was wondering* if you could drop me off at 4th and Mission.
        It's raining, and I don't feel like waiting for Muni. *to ask yourself, 感到好奇, 问自己, preguntarse, интере́сно/любопы́тно

Lucky Houses--Yes/No Questions: Are you a little superstitious?

Ask your classmates.  If someone says yes, write his name.

1.  _________  believes in “lucky” and “unlucky” houses.

2.  _________  knows something about “feng shui.”

3.  _________  is looking for a cheaper place to live.                                                          privacy

4.  _________  would like more privacy* at home.

                           *隐私, privacidad, уединение                          

5.  _________  ’s home here is smaller than in his country.

6.  _________  ’s bed faces the door.

7.  _________  has moved several times since he came to San Francisco.

8.  _________  is a little superstitious.    , supersticioso, суеверный

1.  Do you believe in “lucky” and “unlucky” houses?

2.  Do you know something about “feng shui”?

3.  Are you looking for a cheaper place to live?                                                         

4.  Would you like more privacy* at home? *隐私, privacidad, уединение                          

5.  Is your home here smaller than in your country?

6.  Does your bed face the door?

7.  Have you moved several times since you came to San Francisco?

8.  Are you a little superstitious?    , supersticioso, суеверный