Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vocabulary to Study for the Test This Thursday

Test Practice   level5.podomatic.com  document: 5-56int022802-13
1.    San Franciscans must _____ their garbage. Food and plants must go in the green bins. Answer: recycle
2.    Some new cars _____ __ both electricity and gas. Answer: run on
3.    A man had escaped (逃跑, fugarse, бежать) from prison, so the police _____ us to lock our windows and doors. Answer: warned
4.    My final _____ is Tokyo, but I have a stopover in Honolulu.  Answer: destination
5.    Mercedes Benz is a large German car _____.  Answer: manufacturer
6.    He was in a bad accident. The paramedics came and took him to the hospital. He had a bad _____ on his leg that was bleeding. Answer: wound
7.    We use this word to describe something that happens once a year. For example, many large companies have an _____ meeting.  Answer: annual
8.    The police think the _____ occurred (happened) around midnight. Someone came in through a window and stole a computer. Answer: burglary
9.    During the bank robbery, three people got shot. An ambulance came and took the three _____ to emergency room. Answer: victims

10.  The DMV* requires all _____ to have a smog check (=inspection, 检查, осмо́тр, فحص متابعة) every two years. Answer: vehicles