Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5-Past Participles, Part D


he hears he heard he has heard
he holds he held he has held

he lays (=he puts) he laid he has laid
he pays he paid he has paid

he lies (=to recline) he lay he has lain
he loses he lost he has lost
he makes he made he has made
he means /mi:nz/ he meant /mεnt/ he has meant /mεnt/
he runs he ran he has run
he says /sεz/ he said /sεd/ he has said /sεd/
he sees he saw he has seen

he sells he sold he has sold
he tells he told he has told

he shoots he shot he has shot

he shows he showed he has shown or he has showed

it sinks it sank it has sunk
he sits he sat he has sat

he stands he stood he has stood
he understands he understood he has understood

he takes he took he has taken
he shakes he shook he has shaken

he tears he tore he has torn
he wears he wore he has worn

he goes he went he has gone
he wins he won he has won

he winds he wound he has wound

Speaking: 5-Past Participles, Part C


he drives he drove he has driven
he writes he wrote he has written
he rides he rode he has ridden
it rises it rose it has risen

he eats he ate he has eaten
he falls he fell he has fallen

he fights he fought he has fought
he finds he found he has found

it freezes it froze it has frozen

he gets he got he has gotten
he forgets he forgot he has forgotten

he gives he gave he has given
he forgives he forgave he has forgiven

he grows he grew he has grown
he throws he threw he has thrown
he flies he flew he has flown

he hangs he hung he has hung
he sticks he stuck he has stuck
he has he had he has had

More Future Time Clauses

Review: Phrasal Verbs Ex. 9-11

Review: Phrasal Verbs, Ex. 9-11

1. □ a. What does this word mean?   b. I don't know. Why don't you look it up in the dictionary?
    □ He forgot what her address was, so he looked it up in his address book.
    □ He forgot what her phone number was, so he looked it up in the phone book.
2. □ I can't pick you up today. I have to meet with a client. You'll have to take the bus home instead.
    □ Mom, can you pick me up at school at 4:00? I have to stay late, so I'll miss the bus.
    □ OK, we have arrived. You may get off the bus now. Remember, you will have two hours to visit the church and downtown area. The bus will pick you up right here in the same place at 3:00. Don't be late!
3. □ She took two tablets of Tylenol, and then she put the bottle back in the medicine cabinet and closed the door.
    □ He poured himself a glass of wine, and then he put the bottle back in the refrigerator.
    □ After he paid for his purchase, he put his credit card back in his wallet and stuck it in his coat pocket.
4. □ The physician said, "Take off your shirt, please."  Then she put her stethoscope (听诊器, estetoscopio, стетоско́п) on my back and told me to take a big breath (吸入, aspirar, вдыхать).
    □ Before he went to bed, he took off his shirt and pants and hung them up in the closet.
    □ She looked in the mirror. The dress she was wearing had a stain ( , mancha, пятно́) in front, so she took it off, and she put on something else.
5. □ That's a lot of money you want us to spend!  We should all talk it over before we make such a big purchase (购买, la compra, поку́пка).
    □ a. Have you decided which person should get the promotion?  晋 级, ser ascendido, повышение   b. No. Before I make my decision, I would like to sit down with all the managers and talk it over.
    □ a. Is our company going to open a branch (分 支 机 构 , sucursal, филиал) in Beverly Hills?          b. It's possible. The boss is meeting with the department managers tomorrow to talk it over.
4. □ Don't throw away the receipt! We will need it if we want to return the items (=things) we bought.
    □ Don't throw away those old clothes! We can give them to a charity* that helps the homeless.
* , organización benéfica, благотворительная организация
    □ What are you doing? Don't throw away that paper! We can recycle it.
5. □ Could you turn down that music?!!! I have a terrible headache.
    □ Excuse me, honey. Could you turn down the TV? I'm trying to talk on the phone, and I can't hear.
    □ The room was too bright, so he used the dimmer switch (调光器, potenciómetro, регулятор освещённостиto) to turn down the lights. He wanted a more romantic atmosphere. ( , ambiente, атмосфера)
6. □ You aren't going to turn down their offer, are you?! Lots of people would give their right arm for a job like that. It pays well, and it's secure*. *Safe. You don't need to worry about losing your job.
    □ I can't decide if I should accept the job offer or turn it down. I could learn a lot of new skills 
       (工作技能, habilidades, destrezas, на́вык) on the job, but the salary is low.
    □ They offered him the job, but he turned it down because he didn't want to have such a long commute.
7. □ If you churn (=mix) heavy cream for a long time, it will turn into butter.
    □ The witch waved her wand (魔杖,varita mágica, волше́бная па́лочка), and the handsome prince turned into a frog!
    □ Last year I went back to the little village where I grew up. I couldn't believe my eyes! Over the last twenty years*, it has turned into a big, modern city.  *in the time between 20 years ago and now
8. □ The two co-workers didn't get along with each other at all (和 睦 相 处, 与 某 人 相 处 融 洽, llevarse bien con, они́ ла́дят ме́жду собо́й), and it was causing problems in the office. Finally, the boss told them they needed to work out their problems. If they didn't, they might both get fired.
    □ He and his wife don't get along with each other (和 睦 相 处, 与 某 人 相 处 融 洽, llevarse bien con algn, они́ ла́дят ме́жду собо́й). In fact, they have been seeing a marriage counselor in order to work out their problems.
    □ Didn't you hear? They got divorced. They just couldn't work out their problems.
9. □ Do you have a pencil? I need to write down her phone number so I don't forget it.
    □ The sign in the window said for rent: 1-bedroom apt. $1,200/mo. I took out my pen, and I wrote down the phone number so I could call up and ask about it.
    □ It was a hit-and-run1 accident. Fortunately, somebody wrote down the license plate2 number and gave it to the police. 1 交通肇事后逃逸, que se da a la fuga tras atropellar a algn, водитель, который, сбив пешехода, уезжает с места происшествия  2 ,  matrícula/placa, номерной знак

This kind of energy comes from the sun.

Student A. Ask each other questions. Look in the box to answer your partner's questions.   
1.   This kind of energy comes from the sun. 
3.   This adjective means “present” or “at this time.” 
5.   What do you call a person who is walking on the sidewalk or across the street? 
7.   This verb means “to stay away from” or “to not do something.”
9.   What do they call a person they think possibly committed a crime? 
11. Some examples are striped, polka-dotted, solid, and plaid. /plæd/ 
13. This adjective describes something that is very expensive, nice, or comfortable but not necessary.
15. This verb means “to change or move.” For example, you can do it to the air conditioning or to the volume on a CD. 
17. What do you call a very bad snow storm with wind? 
19. This is a company that makes a product.

Student B. Ask each other questions. Look in the box to answer your partner's questions. 
2.   This means “to use again”. For example, we do it with garbage, bottles, cans, and paper.
4.   This is the last place you are going on a trip. 
6.   This a machine, such as a car or truck, that travels to move people or things.
8.   This verb means “to tell someone about something dangerous.” 
10. When you get hurt, what do you call the place on your body that has a cut or injury? 
12. If someone gets hurt from a crime, illness, or bad luck, you say she is a (what?).
14. What do they call it when somebody steals something from a house or a building? 
16. This is a public meeting where important people speak with journalists and the media, for example, newspapers. 
18. This verb means “to use for energy.” For example, cars do it with gasoline.
20. This word means how well or how far you can see outside or on the road. 

Part 11: Phrasal Verbs

Part 11: Phrasal Verbs. Fill in the blanks. Use a two-part verb from the list. Sometimes you will need to add a pronoun, such as me, her, him, it, or them. The ˬ sign between two words means that they must stay together. 
look up
pick up
put back
take off
talk over
throw away
turn down
turn down
turnˬ into
work out
write down

1.  a.  Is our company going to open a branch (分 支 机 构 , sucursal, филиал) in Beverly Hills?
     b.  It's possible. The boss is meeting with the department managers tomorrow to ______________.
2.  Didn't you hear? They got divorced. They just couldn't  ______________ their problems.
3.  You aren't going to ______________ their offer, are you?! Lots of people would give their right arm for a job like that. It pays well, and it's secure*. *Safe. You don't need to worry about losing your job.
4.  He forgot what her phone number was, so he ______________ in the phone book.
5.  The room was too bright, so he used the dimmer switch (调光器, potenciómetro, регулятор освещённостиto) to  ______________ the lights. He wanted a more romantic atmosphere. ( , ambiente, атмосфера)
6.  OK, we have arrived. You may get off the bus now. Remember, you will have two hours to visit the church and downtown area. The bus will ______________ right here in the same place at 3:00. Don't be late!
7.  Don't ______________ the receipt! We will need it if we want to return the items (=things) we bought.
8.  After I ______________ my shirt, the physician put her stethoscope (听诊器, estetoscopio, стетоско́п) on my back. She told me to take a big breath (吸入, aspirar, вдыхать), and then she listened.
9.  After he paid for his purchase, he _____ his credit card ______ in his wallet and stuck it in his coat pocket.
10.           The sign in the window said for rent: 1-bedroom apt. $1,200/mo. I took out my pen, and I ______________ the phone number so I could call up and ask about it.
11.     If you churn (=mix) heavy cream for a long time, it will ______________ butter.

1. talk it over = talk over the possibility of opening a branch
2. work out
3. turn down
4. looked it up
5. turn down
6. pick you up
7. throw away
8. took off
9. put … back
10. wrote down
11. turn into