Sunday, November 24, 2013

Medical Accident Vocabulary

Click on the following link to listen:

Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary above. Use the correct tense.
A.  a.   What happened to her?
      b.   She was kneeling down (跪下, arrodillarse, ponerse de rodillas) and filing ( . . . , archivar) something, and she forgot the top drawer was open.  When she got up, she _________ her head really hard.
      a.   Is she OK?
      b.   Actually, her head is bleeding a little bit.
B.  a.   Where are you taking the toaster?
      b.   To the repairman. When your dad plugged it in this morning, he got _________.
C.  a.   Do have a Band-Aid? (bandage)
      b.   Why?
      a.   Oh, Bob was slicing (=cutting) some vegetables, and he _______ his finger.
D.  a.   Did you hear? Dave’s in the hospital.
      b.   What? No. No one told me.
      a.   Yeah, I guess he was walking home late last night, and he got _________ in the back.
      b.   Oh, my god!
      a.   He’s in critical condition. He might not make it (=live).
           good condition J    stable condition K    serious condition LL   critical condition LLL!!!
E.  a.   I just saw the ambulance driving away. What happened?
      b.   When Jane came home, her mom was unconscious (不自, inconsciente) on the floor. She wasn’t breathing. The paramedics came and _____________ CPR. They resuscitated her (=made her start breathing again, 使 . . . ), and took her right to the hospital. That’s all I know.
F.   a.   Did you hear the news?
      b.   No. What?
      a.   Joe’s dad got _______ by a car.
      b.   That’s horrible! Is he OK?
      a.   He’s in stable condition in the hospital, but he has several broken bones. It was a hit-and-run* accident. No one got the car’s license. *The driver didn’t stop. He drove away.
G.  a.   Jimmy __________ off his bike again.
      b.   What happened this time?
      a.   He said he was riding down the hill, and he hit a rock.  
      b.   That kid needs to be more careful.
H.  a.   Where’s Mark?
      b.   He’s at home. He hurt his back.
      a.   How?
      b.   He said was walking down the street, and he _________ on some ice and _________ down.
I.   a.   What’s the matter with your foot? You’re limping. (跛行, cojear)
      b.   Oh, I was at beach yesterday, and I __________ on a piece of broken glass.
J.   a.   This isn’t a good place to plug this in. Someone who is walking by might _______ on the cord.
      b.   Yeah, I guess you’re right.
K.  a.   Why is she wearing that thing around her neck?
      b.   The brace? She was in a car accident, and she _________
           her neck. It keeps (阻止, evita que ella) her from moving her head.
L.  a.   Do you have some tweezers?            
      b.   Yeah, I think so. Why?
      a.   I was working out in the garden, and I got a __________ in my finger.

Health Vocabulary Review

Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary at the bottom of the page.
1.   This is the first place that air enters your body when you breathe. the _________________
2.   There are two of these organs (器官, órganos, о́рган) in your chest.  They supply (=give/provide) oxygen (氧气, oxígeno, кислоро́д) to the blood.  If you smoke, you have an increased risk (danger) of getting cancer.   the _________________
3.   You see with them. Sometimes when you’re sick or have allergies, they water. (to water)                 the _________________
4.   When you swallow (吞咽, tragar, глотать) a beverage, liquid goes down it. We call the outside part the neck.  We call the inside the _______________ . 
5.   Your body does this when you exercise a lot and sometimes when you have a high fever. 
       to _________________
6.   Sometimes when you have the flu, there are times when you suddenly feel very cold for a short time. Then you feel normal again. If this happens, you have the ________________ .
7.   If your nose is obstructed (blocked) and you cannot breathe because you have mucus (黏液, moco, слизь) in it, you say it is s_________ ___.
8.   Sometimes mucus runs continually (without stopping) out your nose. 
       We call this a ________ nose.                                                                     
9.   If your doctor wants you to take some medicine, she will write you a
       ______________.  You can have (or get) it ___________ at your local pharmacy.   
10. These are medications that fight and kill bacteria. (细菌, бактерии)  If your doctor thinks you have an infection (感染, инфекция), she may want you to take some ________________ . 

11. These are air-filled sections in your forehead and behind your nose. the _____________

Health: Immunizations with Translations

To listen, click on 'Permalink'.

an immunization/to immunize
   免疫/使 免 疫, иммуниза́ция/прививать,
   مناعة، تطعيم/ يحصّن، يمنّع  يلقّح ضد مرض
a vaccination/to vaccinate
   种/   苗(预 病)
    vacunación/ vacunar,  прививка/делать,
   تطعيم، تلقيح/يلقّح ضد مرض، يطعّم
hepatitis B  乙型肝炎, Type B, гепати́т,
   إلتهاب الكبد 
   at birth, 2 months old, 4 months old
polio  小儿麻痹症, 小兒麻痺症, poliomielitis, полиомиели́т, شلل الأطفال
   orally at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
tetanus  破伤风, 破傷風, tétanos, столбня́к, مرضالكزاز 
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
diphtheria  白喉病, difteria, дифтери́я,
   دفتيريا: مرض الخُناق  
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
pertussis (whooping cough)
   百日咳, pertussis/tos ferina, коклюш,
   السعال الديكي، الشهقة
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
the measles  麻疹, sarampión, корь, حصبة 
   at 15 mos.
the mumps  腮腺炎, paperas,  свинка, التهاب الغدة النكفية  at 15 mos.
the chicken pox or varicella
  水痘, varicela, ветря́нкой, مرض الجدري
   at 15 mos.
rubella 风疹,風疹, rubeóla, краснуха, ا
   لحصبة الألمانية‏  at 15 mos.
is/are allergic to s.t. (对 ), alérgico, аллергия на,  
diabetes    尿 , диабет, مرض السكري
the disease , enfermedad, болезнь, مرض
the health insurance provider
   (=insurance company)  Kaiser, Blue Shield, HealthNet, MediCal, Healthy San Francisco
the high blood pressure 高血压, hypertensión, гипертония, ضغط دم عال
the indigestion 消化不良, расстройство желудка, عسر أو سوء الهضم
to feel light-headed  头晕的, estar mareado, кружится голова, مصاب بالدوار
is/are pregnant
the surgery = an operation
T.B.  tuberculosis 结 核,  туберкулёз,
   مرض السل  التدرّن
recently , recientemente/hace poco,

   недавно, مؤخرًا

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Adjectives and Adverbs: Exercises

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Adjectives and Adverbs: Reference Sheet

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Have you … lately?

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Shopping a -- Can I t Ry These Pants On by youreslteacher

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Unit 12 -- Ordinal Numbers and Exercise by youreslteacher

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Unit 13 -- Changing the Verb to Show Duration by youreslteacher

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Important: Level 4 Certificate Tests

Dear Level 5 Students:

If you want to get a Level 4 certificate but only passed three of the tests, you can take one test again.

For example, if you passed SPEAKING, READING, and LISTENING, but didn't pass WRITING, you can take the WRITING test again. 

You must give me your yellow Level 4 card with test scores by this Friday. If you only passed two tests, you cannot take try again.

Tell your classmates! I cannot help you after Friday.


Roland Trego
ESL Instructor

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Health/Illness Vocabulary

I think I’m coming down with something.
 (=I think I’m starting to get sick.)
1.   to ache = to hurt (an ache)                       
           My body aches all over.
           This medicine is for the aches and pains of the flu.
2.   to have a(n)  ___ache.                             
           I have a headache.
                     an earache                 
                     a stomachache     wrong: a stomache
                     a backache
                     a toothache
3.   the chills
           I have the chills. (=times when I suddenly feel very cold)
4.   a cough, to cough
           I have a cough
           I can’t stop coughing
           I coughed all night.
5.   to give someone some advice (noun)       
           She gave me some good advice.   Wrong:  She gave a good advice.
6.   to advise someone (not) to do s.t. (verb)  
           He advised me to eat more green vegetables.
           She advised him not to eat so much junk food.
7.   to perspire = to sweat (perspiration)          
           I’m perspiring.  I’m sweating.   
8.   plugged up = blocked                               
           My ears are plugged up.
9.   the sniffles, to sniffles                             
           I have the sniffles.  I keep sniffling. (鼻子哼哼做声, soberse los mocos, شَهِقَ اِسْتِنْشاق)
10. raw = very red and painful, especially when you swallow                        
           My throat is raw.
11. runny = adjective   I have a runny nose. 
     to run = verb   My nose is running.
12. to sneeze
           When I get a cold, I usually start sneezing
           Excuse me.  I think I’m going to sneeze.
           On the bus, a man sneezed right in my face. 
13. sore
           I have a sore throat.
14. stuffy, stuffed up = congested                  
           I have a stuffy nose. 
           My nose is stuffed up.
15. a temperature, a fever                              
           She has a slight fever. = She has a low temperature. = She has a low-grade fever.
           I have a high temperature. 
           I have a high fever.
16. to water

           My eyes are watering.       

Vocabulary List 1

Vocabulary List 1 - Revised

a blizzard  , tormenta de nieve, вьюга, عاصفة ثلجية عنيفة
a design  款式, 样式, , 图案,  diseño, дизайн, تصميم, رسم, طراز 
a manufacturer  制造者, 产者, 生产厂家, fabricante,  изготовитель, مؤسسة ، مصتع , منتِج  
a pattern  , 图案, 形状, 布局, diseño, dibujo, estampado,  узор, تصميم  رسم
a press conference  闻发布会, conferencia de prensa, пресс-конференция, مؤتمر صحفي
a vehicle  , 机车, 车辆, vehículo, автомашина, مركبة
amazing 惊奇的, 惊人的, increíble,  поразительный, رائع
annual  年度的, 每年的, anual,  ежегодный , годовой, سنوي
current  当前的, 现在的, actual, en curso,  текущий, современный,حالي ، حاضر
fantastic  极好的, 极出色的, fantástico, фантастика, رائع
luxury  奢侈品, 精美昂贵之物, de lujo, роскошь,  رفاهية  رغد
solar  太阳能的, solar, солнечный, طاقة شمسية
the brain  , 大脑, cerebro, мозг, مخ، دماغ
the destination 目的地, 终点, destino,  цель,
     وجهة  مقصد
the environment 自然环境, 环境, 周围状况, medio ambiente, entorno, hábitat natural, окружающая среда, البيئة 
the route  路径, 道路, camino, ruta, путь, дорога, طريق
a victim , victima, жертва, قتيل، مصاب  
the visibility , visibilidad, видимость,
     مجال الرؤية
to adjust  调整, 校准, ajustar, regular, приг|оня́ть, عدّل
to avoid  ( 事), , evitar,  избегать, يتجنب
to recycle  重新利用, 回收利用, reciclar,  перерабатывать, يعيد استعمال
to run on (to use for energy) 运行, funcionar con, рабо́тает на, تعمل : هذه السيارة تعمل بالديزل

to warn  ,  advertir, предупреждать, يحذر ، ينذر