Saturday, February 2, 2013

Phrasal Verbs #2: It's not enough to get by.

                                                                                                              Cross them out        
Part 2: Phrasal Verbs. Which verbs can you replace with phrasal verbs?  Draw a line through them and write a phrasal verb from the list.

call off           
call up            
drop off          
figure out       
find out          
get back        
get by             
go on              
grow up          
help out         
look up           
pick up           
put back        
take off          
throw away    
turn down
turn into
write down

a.     Could you assist me help me out? I have three bags of groceries to carry.
1.     She only makes $7 an hour, and it’s not enough to survive on get by (on). After she pays the rent and her bills, there’s nothing left.
2.     Listen. They’re saying the lotto numbers. Write them on a piece of paper Write them down.
3.     a.    Do you walk to school?                                                            
        b.   No. My husband takes me drops me off on his way to work.

4.     I’m going to the airport. I need to go and get pick up my mother-in-law.

5.     He got warm, so he removed took off his sweater.

6.     Why don’t you telephone me call me up after work?
7.     I’ve been working on this puzzle for a half hour, and I still can’t understand figure out what piece should go here.

8.     I wonder if you could return this to put this back on the shelf.

9.     Could you lower the volume on turn down that music? I have a headache.

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