Monday, April 8, 2013

Fill in the missing letters: to c__n__el

a. cancel
b. drowsy
c. expiration
d. prescription
e. throw away
f. opening
g. orally
h. register
i. quit
j. confirm

Refresh your memory! sinuses : head :: lungs : _____

1. chest
2. nose
3. sore foot
4. prescription
5. high
6. drowsy
7. a cast
8. patient
9. head/brain

Yes/No Questions: Do you take a prescription medication every day?

2. Do you have Kaiser or Blue Cross health insurance?
3. Do you only go to a Chinese doctor when you are sick?
4. Did you call in sick last week?
5. Are you feeling under the weather today?
6. Have you had a medical checkup recently?
7. Would you like to quit smoking?

...and so ______ I. (and so do I, and so did I, and so am I, and so would I, and so will I...)

1. and so do I.
2. and so do I.
3. and so do I.
4. and so did I.
5. and so am I.
6. and so have I.
7. and so would I.

Health-Related Vocabulary: ambulance, antibiotic, in a cast, to catch a cold...

an ambulance 救护车, ambulancia, ско́рая по́мощь  
an antibiotic 抗生素, antibiótico, антибио́тик
a cast, in a cast   , escayola,  в гипсе
to catch (caught) a cold    , 我感冒了, resfriarse/agarrar un resfriado, простужаться  
a cavity 颗蛀牙, carie, дупло                                                                              
a degree, two degrees , grado(s), градус 
the dental insurance insurance for your teeth, 牙科保险, seguro dental,
is due When is the baby due? =On what date does the doctor say the baby will be born?  预 期,  va a nacer   
easy-going  脾 气 随 和, 安 静, acomodadizo, de trato fácil, relajado, спокойный 
Fahrenheit 华氏, Fahrenheit, Фаренгейт     Celsius 摄氏, centígrados or Celsio(s), по Це́льсию
a flu shot  , vacuna contra la gripe, прививка
a gym  健身俱乐部, club de la salud, фитнес-клуб
a member 成员, miembro, член
the health (or medical) insurance   , seguro de enfermedad, seguro médico, натура́льная пи́ща 
a hearing aid , audífono, слухово́й аппара́т                                                                            
the high blood pressure 高血压, hypertensión, высокое давление                                                        
an IV 静脉疗法/滴饲料, alimentación gota a gota/ administración por vía intravenosa, влива́ть че́рез ка́пельницу
the medication medicine
an operation , operación, опера́ция 
to order food 点菜, 点餐, pedir lo que vas a tomar, делать заказ
someone else another person

to try (tried) 试图/尝试,  tratar / probar, пытаться, стараться/пробовать, отведывать  

some Tylenol  对乙酰氨基酚, acetaminofeno, paracetamol, ацетаминофен/парацетамол

I’m not sick anymore, so I’m going to _________ my appointment with the doctor.

Fill in the missing vocabulary words.
1. I’m not sick anymore, so I’m going to _________ my appointment with the doctor. 
2.  a.  What times are available today?
     b. Well, we have an _________ at 3:30. Can you come then?
3. She had an infection (传染), so the doctor wrote her a _____________ for penicillin. (盘尼西林    
4.  a.  Why is she sleeping in the middle of the day?
     b. The medicine she is taking makes her feel ____________.
5.  a.  Do you smoke?
     b. No. I _______ a few years ago.
6.  a.  This milk tastes bad!
     b. What’s the ____________ date?
     a.  Let me look… It’s Jan. 15. That was a week ago!
7.  a.  The instructions say to take one tablet _______* with a glass of water.
     b. They’re so big! They will be hard to swallow! (吞咽, tragar, глотать)
8.  a.  When you go to the clinic, you will need to _________ at the front desk.
     b. Do I need to bring anything with me?
     a.  Yes. Bring your I.D. and the name of your insurance provider.
9.  a.  Could you _______ _______ these  papers? We don’t need them anymore.
     b. Sure. Where’s a trash can?
10. Please call to c________ your appointment. If you don’t call, we may give your time to another patient.
1. cancel
2. opening
3. prescription
4. drowsy
5. quit
6. expiration
7. orally
8. register
9. throw away
10. confirm