Saturday, March 9, 2013

Daylight Saving Time: We lose an hour of sleep :-(

When you go to sleep tonight (Saturday night), move your clocks ahead one hour.

2 a.m. Sunday will become 3 a.m. everywhere in the U.S. except in Arizona and Hawaii.

In Europe, however, daylight saving time doesn't begin until March 31.

So, I hope I don't see you an hour late on Monday!

Good News

I am delighted to report that 32 students passed Phrasal Verb Test #3. (Nine got 100%!) Only eight students will need to repeat the test, and I am certain they will do much better next time.

More Pics!

Past Continuous with Simple Past

Practice using the past continuous with the simple past. You will hear two sentences in present tense. Change the sentences to past tense.
Say the first thing was happening when the second thing happened.
Start each sentence with “while.”

he is making dinner / he cuts himself
While he was making dinner, he cut himself.
(past continuous and simple past)

She is using the computer. She has a system error.
(电脑故障,  mal funcionamiento del ordenador, сбой ошибки)     

While she was using the computer, she had a system error.
(past continuous and simple past)

While she is using the computer, she has a system error.

He is making dinner. He cuts himself.
He is mowing the lawn. The lawn mower* breaks down. (=stops working)
*(修剪草坪, cortar el césped,  подстригать)
He is drying the dishes. He drops a dish and it breaks.
He is parking. He backs into another car.
She is making copies. The machine jams.
出故障,不能运, (停止运作,由于阻塞), atascarse, stopped working because a paper got stuck and
blocked the path
He is working for the model agency. He meets a beautiful woman and falls in love.
She is getting off Muni. The door suddenly closes and hits her in the head.
He is plugging in the blowdryer. He gets shocked.
触电, me dio una descarga/un golpe de corriente, меня́ уда́рило то́ком, صدمة كهربائية (noun)
She is playing with the cat. It scratches* her.
(, arañó,  царапать)

Simple Past D Questions

It cost
he cut
he let
he put
he hurt
he hit
he quit (to stop, to stop working for a somebody)
he set (to put, to place)
he wet
弄湿, mojar
He upset someone
使心烦意乱,使不安, alterar, afectar, disgustar, ofender
he drew
he withdrew (to take money from a bank account)
he began
he drank
he rang
it shrank
缩小,减小,缩减. encoger(se), reducirse
he sang
it sank
下沉,沉下, 沉,沉没, descender, bajar
he sat
he swam
he was
they were
he bit
, 咬出,咬成, morder, picar
he hid
隐藏,把藏起来, esconder(se)
he bent
弯曲, torcer, curvar, doblar
he lent
借(钱)给,贷(款)给, prestar
he sent
he spent
he bled
出血 流血, sangrar
he fed (to give food to someone)
he felt
he kept
he left
he met
he read
he slept
he swept
扫,打扫,清扫, barrer, limpiar
he wept (to cry)
he blew
吹,吹, 吹气, soplar, , sonarsela nariz
he knew
he broke
打破,打碎,打烂,砸破,摔碎romper, partir, quebrar
he woke
he spoke
he stole
偷,窃, robar
he brought
he thought

Speaking: Simple Past C

Ask a question.
He heard
He held
He laid
He paid
He lay
He made
He meant
He ran
He said
He saw
He sold
He told
He shot
He lost
He showed
He stood
He understood
He took
He shook
动,摇动, , agitar, sacudir, temblar
He tore 撕裂,撕破,撕下, romper, rasgar
He wore
He went
He won
He drove
He wrote
He rode
He rose (to go up, to come up)

He ate
He fell

He fought
He found
He wound
; enroscar algo alrededor de algo; hacer un ovillo con algo; hacer correr la película

It froze
冻得慌,觉得很冷, 固,冻结, 结冰
, gelarse, congelar

He got
He forgot

He gave
He forgave
谅,宽恕 , 豁免,免除
, perdonnar

He grew
长大,长高, 扩展,扩张,扩大, 种植,栽种
, crecer, madurar, aumentar
He threw
He flew (to move in the air, to travel on a plane)

He hung
悬挂,吊 , 吊死, colgar, colocar
He stuck (to put)
He had

He bought
He caught
He taught

He built
He chose
He came
He became
变成,成为,变得, hacerse


Speaking: Comparative

To listen, click on ‘Permalink’ and then on ‘Play’.

诚实的,撒谎的, deshonesto

业有成的,成功的,有成就的, tener éxito, de éxito, triunfador
性格外向的人, sociable, extrovertido
下流的,龌龊卑鄙的, malo

混乱, 紊乱的, 无组织的, desorganizado
1. friendly or nice 友好的亲切的simpático
unfriendly or mean malo

2. generous 慷慨的大方的generosodadivoso
cheap 吝啬的小气的tacañoroñoso

3. hard-working or ambitious 勤 奋 的trabajadoraplicado
lazy 懒 惰 的perezosoflojo

4. honest 诚实的老实的正直的honradohonesto
dishonest 不诚实的撒谎的deshonesto

5. interesting 有 趣 的interesante
boring 乏 味 的pesadoes una pelma

6. organized 有组织的高效的organizado
disorganized 混乱紊乱的无组织的desorganizado

7. outgoing 性格外向的人sociableextrovertido
shy 害 羞 的tímidocohibidoreservado

8. patient 耐心的平静等待的paciente
impatient 不耐烦的没有耐心的不耐烦的不容忍的impatiente
9. smart or intelligent 聪明的伶俐的inteligenteagudo
stupid or dumb 愚蠢的笨的傻的tonto

10. successful 事业有成的成功的有成就的próspero
11. He's a creep. 讨厌鬼思想怪异的人¡Qué tipo más raro!, ¡Qué bicho!

Speaking: Present Perfect "Aqua is the best restaurant ..."

To listen, click on ‘Permalink’ and then on ‘Play’.

Practice using the present perfect with the superlative. Tell me about your life experiences. Listen to the statement.
a. Aqua is a good restaurant to eat at.
> Aqua is the best restaurant that I have eaten at in my whole life.
b. The Grand Canyon is a beautiful site to visit.
> The Grand Canyon is the most beautiful site that I have visited in my whole life.
c. Mr. Trego’s class is an interesting class to take.
d. Chemistry is a difficult subject to study.
e. Flying from San Francisco to Hong Kong is a long flight to take.
f. A new house is an expensive thing to buy.
g. Halloween is a scary movie to see.
h. The Ritz Carlton is a nice hotel to stay at.
i. Raw snake is an unusual food to eat.
j. A thousand dollars is much money to win.




Wh- Questions: Micky is exhausted today because...

Write wh- (information) questions.

1.  Micky is exhausted today because he has jet leg. è
2.  He just got back from Germany. è
3.  There is an eight-hour time difference between here and there.
4.  When he comes back, it usually takes him about a week to start feeling normal again.
5.  Micky went there to see his brother’s new-born son.
6.  His brother lives in Hamburg. è
7.  Micky was there for three weeks. è

1. Why is Micky exhausted today?
    How come Micky is exhausted today?
2. Where (or: What country) did he just get back from?
3. How much (or: What) time difference is there between here and there?
    or (better): What is the time difference between…?
4. When he comes back, how long does it usually take him to start feeling normal again?
5. Why did Micky go there?
    How come Micky went there?
6. Which city does his brother live in?
7. How many weeks was Micky was there (for)?