Sunday, March 23, 2014

Easy Listening Activities

A Day at School

Answering Machine

Listening Review: Past Continuous

Yesterday Mr. Trego gave a test. After he handed out the test, he sat down at his desk and looked around the classroom. Most students were busy. They were writing answers on their papers. But others were looking into the air with a confused look on their faces. They were trying to figure out the answers. When a student asked Mr. Trego for a summer school form, he stepped out of the classroom for a moment. When he came back in, two students were cheating. One woman was asking her friend for the answers. Mr. Trego got mad and told them both to stop talking. One student finished the test at about 9:05 and went to work.

October 4
Vocabulary test preparation:

True or False? If your parents live over 80, you are more likely to live over 80.

13. T F If your parents live over 80, you are more likely (可能, probable, вероя́тный) to live over 80.
true Because of genetics (
基因, гене́тика), you are more likely (可能, probable, вероя́тный) to live to an old age if your parents lived to an old age, too.
14. T F A cholesterol level above 200 is dangerous.
Cholesterol over 200 is dangerous. People with high cholesterol are more likely (
可能, probable, вероя́тный) to have a heart attack.
15. T F People who get angry easily usually live longer than other people.
People who get mad easily have more heart attacks and strokes (
, ataque de apoplejía, апоплексический удар п) than easy-going, relaxed people.
16. T F Most Americans eat five servings of vegetables a day.
Most Americans only have two servings (
部份, porciónes, по́рция) of vegetables a day. You should try to eat five servings a day.
17. T F People with more education live longer.
People with more education live longer. They earn more money, eat better food, and get better medical care.
18. T F Running is better exercise than walking.
Walking fast is as good as running. Also, it’s better for your knees.
19. T F Normal blood pressure is 140 over 90.
false Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or lower. If your blood pressure is over 120/80, you should ask your physician how to lower it. (=bring it down)
20. T F In general, people who get lots of speeding tickets don’t live as long as other people.
People with bad driving habits (
習性, hábitos, costumbres, привы́чка) have more accidents, so they don’t live as long as good drivers.

Health Vocabulary: I think I'm coming down with something.

Listening/Speaking: Health Questions

To listen, click on "Permalink."

Ask me a yes/no question. Use you. takes a prescription medication every day. has Kaiser or Blue Cross health insurance. (健康保, seguro de enfermedad) usually goes to a Chinese doctor when s/he is sick. called in sick* last week.
*to call your boss and say you can’t come to work because you’re sick is feeling under the weather* today.
*not well, sick, ill has had a medical checkup recently. (
检查) Have you had a… would like to quit smoking. First Question: Do you smoke? 

Listening/Speaking: and so + aux-word or do/did + I.

To listen, click on "Permalink."

Roland likes the Downtown Campus, and so do I.
Roland would like to have smaller classes, so would I.
Roland is here every day, from Monday through Friday, and so am I.
Tell me you are the same. Use 'and so ____ I'.
1. He comes to class every day,
2. He is taking two classes in the morning,
3. He did well on his last test,
4. He had to take his test over again,
5. She would like to take credit classes next year,
6. She felt under the weather last weekend,
7. She can communicate basic health problems to her doctor in English,
8. She has had a mammogram* within the last six months,
乳房 X线照片, mamografía
9. Her family has a history of diabetes*, _______________ (Watch out! This one is different!) *

sinuses : head :: lungs : chest

Sinuses Are to Head as Lungs Are to Chest by youreslteacher

Are or were your parents over 80 years old?

Are or Were Your Parents Over 80 Years Old by youreslteacher

Emergency Vocabulary

Emergency Vocabulary by youreslteacher

… and so ____ I.

...and so ___ I. by youreslteacher

Fill in the missing letters. c_nc_l

c_n_el dr_ _s_ by youreslteacher

Missing Letters: prescription, physician

Missing Letters Physician Prescription... by youreslteacher

Does the person have the chills or a fever?

Does the Person Have the Chills or a Fever by youreslteacher

He gets a yearly bonus, and I do, too.

He Gets a Yearly Bonus, And I Do, Too by youreslteacher

Irregular Past: T-Z

Irregular Past 'T-Z' by youreslteacher

Irregular Past: S

Irregular Past 's' by youreslteacher

#4 Gerund or Infinitive?

#4 Gerund or Infintive by youreslteacher

#3 Gerund or Infinitive?

#3 Gerund or Infintive by youreslteacher

Reading a Prescription Label: What street is the pharmacy located on?

What Street is the Pharmacy Located On by youreslteacher

Does someone in your family smoke?

Does Someone in Your Family Smoke by youreslteacher

Health/Illness Vocabulary List

Health Vocabulary List by youreslteacher

Health: Mixed-Up Questions

Health Mixed-up Questions by youreslteacher

Negative Sentences: No, he doesn't know CPR.

No, He Doesn't Know CPR by youreslteacher

Yes/No Questions: Do you know CPR?

Do you know CPR by youreslteacher

In which one do you see an ambulance?

In Which One Do You See an Ambulance by youreslteacher