Saturday, March 9, 2013

Past Continuous with Simple Past

Practice using the past continuous with the simple past. You will hear two sentences in present tense. Change the sentences to past tense.
Say the first thing was happening when the second thing happened.
Start each sentence with “while.”

he is making dinner / he cuts himself
While he was making dinner, he cut himself.
(past continuous and simple past)

She is using the computer. She has a system error.
(电脑故障,  mal funcionamiento del ordenador, сбой ошибки)     

While she was using the computer, she had a system error.
(past continuous and simple past)

While she is using the computer, she has a system error.

He is making dinner. He cuts himself.
He is mowing the lawn. The lawn mower* breaks down. (=stops working)
*(修剪草坪, cortar el césped,  подстригать)
He is drying the dishes. He drops a dish and it breaks.
He is parking. He backs into another car.
She is making copies. The machine jams.
出故障,不能运, (停止运作,由于阻塞), atascarse, stopped working because a paper got stuck and
blocked the path
He is working for the model agency. He meets a beautiful woman and falls in love.
She is getting off Muni. The door suddenly closes and hits her in the head.
He is plugging in the blowdryer. He gets shocked.
触电, me dio una descarga/un golpe de corriente, меня́ уда́рило то́ком, صدمة كهربائية (noun)
She is playing with the cat. It scratches* her.
(, arañó,  царапать)

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