Sunday, November 24, 2013

Health Vocabulary Review

Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary at the bottom of the page.
1.   This is the first place that air enters your body when you breathe. the _________________
2.   There are two of these organs (器官, órganos, о́рган) in your chest.  They supply (=give/provide) oxygen (氧气, oxígeno, кислоро́д) to the blood.  If you smoke, you have an increased risk (danger) of getting cancer.   the _________________
3.   You see with them. Sometimes when you’re sick or have allergies, they water. (to water)                 the _________________
4.   When you swallow (吞咽, tragar, глотать) a beverage, liquid goes down it. We call the outside part the neck.  We call the inside the _______________ . 
5.   Your body does this when you exercise a lot and sometimes when you have a high fever. 
       to _________________
6.   Sometimes when you have the flu, there are times when you suddenly feel very cold for a short time. Then you feel normal again. If this happens, you have the ________________ .
7.   If your nose is obstructed (blocked) and you cannot breathe because you have mucus (黏液, moco, слизь) in it, you say it is s_________ ___.
8.   Sometimes mucus runs continually (without stopping) out your nose. 
       We call this a ________ nose.                                                                     
9.   If your doctor wants you to take some medicine, she will write you a
       ______________.  You can have (or get) it ___________ at your local pharmacy.   
10. These are medications that fight and kill bacteria. (细菌, бактерии)  If your doctor thinks you have an infection (感染, инфекция), she may want you to take some ________________ . 

11. These are air-filled sections in your forehead and behind your nose. the _____________

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