Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Practice using LATELY. In my spare time, I enjoy ___ing. Really? Have you ___ lately?

Practice using lately. Fill in the missing words in the conversations. Pay attention to the tenses.
1.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy going to Stowe Lake in Golden Gate Park.
       b. Really? Have you gone there lately? (present perfect)
       a. Yes, I have. I went there last Sunday. (simple past)
           I drew a picture of the swans.
2.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy reading.
       b. Really? Have you _________ anything good lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I _________ an article ( 文章, artículo, статья, مقال) last night. It was about the Pilgrims.
3.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy working out.
       b. Really? Have you _________________ lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I _________________ last night at the gym.
4.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ anything good lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ dinner for some friends last weekend. I made halibut with asparagus and risotto. (大比目鱼芦笋烩饭, mero con espárragos y risotto, палтус с ризотто и со спаржей и ризотто, وجبة رز إيطالية)
5.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy taking pictures.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ any (pictures) lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ some good shots (=pictures) a few days ago. I went to Golden Gate Park.
6.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy playing soccer.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ soccer yesterday afternoon. My team won the match. (=game)
7.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy riding my bike.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ your bike lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ it last weekend. I went to Sausalito and back.
8.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy going hiking. (步行, ir de excursión a pie, ходить/идти в поход, التجول سيراً)
       b. Really? Have you _________________ lately?
       a. No, I haven't. I haven't had the time lately. I've been too busy.
9.    a. In my spare time, I enjoy painting.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ anything lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ a picture last weekend. It was a portrait (画像, retrato, портрет, لوحة لشخص)
           of my brother.
10.  a. In my spare time, I enjoy going to concerts.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ to any good ones lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ to a concert on Saturday night. I heard Lang Lang* play with the San Francisco Symphony. *a famous Chinese pianist
11.  a. In my spare time, I enjoy going for walks on Ocean Beach.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ there lately?
       a. No, I ________. I haven't _____ the time _______. I've ______ too busy.
12.  a. In my spare time, I enjoy watching TV.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ any good programs lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ one last night on Channel 2. It was called "Seinfeld."
12a. a. In my spare time, I enjoy knitting.
       b. Really? Have you ____________ anything lately?
       a. Yes, I have. I ____________ a sweater for my granddaughter last month. It was wool, and it had a picture of Winnie the Poo on the front.                          

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