Friday, April 12, 2013

Speaking Practice: Negative Sentences

To listen and practice, click on 'Permalink'.

Make negative sentences.
Example: It is on sale. >> No, it isn’t on sale.
1. She can speak Arabic. >> No, she ...
2. They are full price. >> No, they
3. There was a student in the hall. No, there
4. They were cheating on the test. No, they
5. I want to get a cat. No, I
6. It snows a lot in the winter. No, it
7. She has to leave early. No, she
8. The classes start at 8:15. No, the classes
9. He sold his car. No, he
10. She came early. No, she
11. He could understand everything last night. No, he
12. He should speak to her about it. No, he
13. He will be here tomorrow. No, he
14. You have lived here for two years. No, you
15. He would like to be a teacher someday. No, he

Speaking Practice: Yes/No Questions

To listen, click on 'Permalink'.

Write yes/no questions.
Example: He is here. >>> Is he here?
(WRONG!!! Where is he?)
1. Class ends at 9:40.
2. He bought a new car.
3. You can speak Spanish.
4. He could understand everything.
5. They have a dog.
6. He should call the doctor.
7. She was cheating on the test.
8. He will be absent tomorrow.
9. It rains a lot in the winter.
10. You have lived here for two years.
11. She has to leave early.
12. He would like a cup of coffee.
13. There were two students in the hallway.
14. They are on sale.
15. He went home early.

Listening Link: Health Problems, Parts of the Body

To listen, click on 'Permalink'.

Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary at the bottom of the page.
1. This is the first place that air enters when you breathe. the _________________
2. There are two of these organs (
器官, órganos) in your chest. They supply (=give/provide) oxygen (氧气, oxígeno) to the blood. You have an increased risk (danger) of getting cancer here if you smoke. the _________________
3. You see with them. Sometimes when you’re sick or have allergies, they water. (to water) the _________________
4. We call the outside part the neck. We call the inside the _______________ . When you swallow (
吞咽, tragar) a beverage, liquid goes down it.
5. You do this when you exercise a lot and sometimes when you have a high fever.
to _________________
6. Sometimes when you have the flu, there are times when you suddenly feel very cold. If this happens, you have the _________________ .
7. If your nose is blocked and you cannot breathe because you have mucus (
黏液, moco) in it, you say it is ____________________.
8. Sometimes mucus runs continually out your nose. We call this a ________ nose.
9. If your doctor wants you to take some medicine, she will write you a __________________. You can have/get it ___________________ at your local pharmacy.
10. If your doctor thinks you have an infection, she may want you to take some ________________ . These are medications that fight and kill bacteria. (
11. These are air-filled sections in your forehead and behind your nose. the _________________
12. When you take off and land in a plane, often your ears are ______________________ for a while.

Listening Link: Immunizations

To listen, click on 'Permalink'.

an immunization/to immunize
   免疫/使 免 疫, иммуниза́ция/прививать,
   مناعة، تطعيم/ يحصّن، يمنّع  يلقّح ضد مرض
a vaccination/to vaccinate
   种/   苗(预 病)
    vacunación/ vacunar,  прививка/делать,
   تطعيم، تلقيح/يلقّح ضد مرض، يطعّم
hepatitis B  乙型肝炎, Type B, гепати́т,
   إلتهاب الكبد 
   at birth, 2 months old, 4 months old
polio  小儿麻痹症, 小兒麻痺症, poliomielitis, полиомиели́т, شلل الأطفال
   orally at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
tetanus  破伤风, 破傷風, tétanos, столбня́к, مرضالكزاز 
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
diphtheria  白喉病, difteria, дифтери́я,
   دفتيريا: مرض الخُناق   
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
pertussis (whooping cough)
   百日咳, pertussis/tos ferina, коклюш,
   السعال الديكي، الشهقة
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school
the measles  麻疹, sarampión, корь, حصبة 
   at 15 mos.
the mumps  腮腺炎, paperas,  свинка, التهاب الغدة النكفية  at 15 mos.
the chicken pox or varicella
  水痘, varicela, ветря́нкой, مرض الجدري
   at 15 mos.
rubella 风疹,風疹, rubeóla, краснуха, ا
   لحصبة الألمانية‏  at 15 mos.
is/are allergic to s.t. (对 ), alérgico, аллергия на,  
diabetes    尿 , диабет, مرض السكري
the disease , enfermedad, болезнь, مرض
the health insurance provider
   (=insurance company)  Kaiser, Blue Shield, HealthNet, MediCal, Healthy San Francisco
the high blood pressure 高血压, hypertensión, гипертония, ضغط دم عال
the indigestion 消化不良, расстройство желудка, عسر أو سوء الهضم
to feel light-headed  头晕的, estar mareado, кружится голова, مصاب بالدوار
is/are pregnant
the surgery = an operation
T.B.  tuberculosis 结 核,  туберкулёз,
   مرض السل  التدرّن
recently , recientemente/hace poco,
   недавно, مؤخرًا

Emergency Vocabulary: She put a Band-Aid on her finger to stop the bleeding.

b Band-Aid
c unconscious
d ambulance
e stretcher
f crutches
g windshield
h cast
i intersection
j IV
k pale
l swollen
m concussion


Medical Questions

Wh- Questions in the Subject and Predicate

Accident Vocabulary Practice. Yesterday she ____ her head on file cabinet drawer.

...and so ____ I. (Part 2)

1. and so do I.
2. and so am I.
3. and so did I.
4. and so should I.
5. and so would I.
6. and so did I.
7. and so can I.
8. and so have I.
9. and so does mine.

Verb Exercise #3: Verb + Infinitive or Verb + Gerund No! No! No! I won't do it!

a. refused to do
b. knows how to swim
c. avoid eating
d. hope to visit
e. enjoying playing
f. would like to order
g. insisted on seeing
h. can't helping thinking

Diseases and Illnesses with Translations

an immunization/to immunize
  免疫/使 免 疫, иммуниза́ция/прививать, مناعة، تطعيم/ يحصّن، يمنّع  يلقّح ضد مرض

a vaccination/to vaccinate
  种/   苗(预 病)
  vacunación/ vacunar,  прививка/делать,
   تطعيم، تلقيح/يلقّح ضد مرض، يطعّم

hepatitis B  乙型肝炎, Type B, гепати́т,  إلتهاب الكبد 
   at birth, 2 months old, 4 months old

polio  小儿麻痹症, 小兒麻痺症, poliomielitis, полиомиели́т, شلل الأطفال
   orally at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school

tetanus  破伤风, 破傷風, tétanos, столбня́к, مرضالكزاز 
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school

diphtheria  白喉病, difteria, дифтери́я, فتيريا: مرض الخُناق   
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school

pertussis (whooping cough)
  百日咳, pertussis/tos ferina, коклюш,
   السعال الديكي، الشهقة
   at 2, 4, 6 mos., and before starting school

the measles  麻疹, sarampión, корь, حصبة 
   at 15 mos.

the mumps  腮腺炎, paperas,  свинка, التهاب الغدة النكفية  at 15 mos.

the chicken pox or varicella
水痘, varicela, ветря́нкой, مرض الجدري
   at 15 mos.

rubella 风疹,風疹, rubeóla, краснуха, ا
   لحصبة الألمانية‏  at 15 mos.

is/are allergic to s.t. (对 ), alérgico, аллергия на,  

diabetes    尿 , диабет, مرض السكري

the disease , enfermedad, болезнь, مرض

the health insurance provider
  (=insurance company)  Kaiser, Blue Shield, HealthNet, MediCal, Healthy San Francisco

the high blood pressure 高血压, hypertensión, гипертония,
 ضغط دم عال

the indigestion 消化不良, расстройство желудка, عسر أو سوء الهضم

to feel light-headed  头晕的, estar mareado, кружится голова,
 مصاب بالدوار

is/are pregnant

the surgery = an operation

T.B.  tuberculosis 结 核,  туберкулёз,  مرض السل  التدرّن

recently , recientemente/hace poco,  недавно, مؤخرًا