Monday, March 11, 2013

Speaking: Simple Past A

he hears he heard
he holds he held  
he lays (=he puts) he laid
he pays he paid  
he lies (=to recline) he lay
he makes he made
he means /mi:nz/ he meant /mεnt/
he runs he ran
he says /sεz/ he said /sεd/
he sees he saw
he sells he sold
he tells he told  
he shoots he shot
he loses he lost
he shows he showed
he stands he stood
he understands he understood  
he takes he took
he shakes he shook  
动,摇动,抖动 , agitar, sacudir, temblar
he tears he tore  撕裂,撕破,撕下, romper, rasgar
he wears he wore
he goes he went
he wins he won
he drives he drove
he writes he wrote
he rides he rode
it rises it rose  (to go up, to come up)
he eats he ate
he falls he fell
he fights he fought
he finds he found   
he winds he wound  绕,把绕成团; enroscar algo alrededor de algo; hacer un ovillo con algo; hacer correr la película
it freezes it froze   冻得慌,觉得很冷, 固,冻结, 结冰, gelarse, congelar
he gets he got
he forgets he forgot
he gives he gave
he forgives he forgave
谅,宽恕 ,  豁免,免除, perdonnar
he grows he grew  长大,长高, 扩展,扩张,扩大, 种植,栽种, crecer, madurar, aumentar
he throws he threw
he flies he flew  
(to move in the air, to travel on a plane)
he hangs he hung  悬挂,吊 ,  吊死, colgar, colocar
he sticks he stuck  (to put)
he has he had
he buys he bought
he catches he caught
he teaches he taught
he builds he built
he chooses he chose
he comes he came
he becomes he became   
变成,成为,变得, hacerse

Future Time Clauses: The workers are going to strike until...

                                                                    Names ________________

With your partner, finish these sentences. After clauses beginning with as soon as, before, after, etc., you need present tense. The other half of the sentence will be in future tense.

1.  The workers are going to strike (罢工, hacer huelga, бастова́ть,
يضرب عن العملuntil

2.  Before she goes on vacation, she


3.  I’m going to shop around (=check the price on a particular item at several stores) before I


1.  The workers are going to strike until …
…they get/receive health and dental benefits.
…they get/receive a pay raise.
…they get/receive job protection.

2.  Before she goes on vacation, she…
…is going to/will purchase her plane ticket.
…is going to/will make hotel reservations.
…is going to/will make plans for her trip. going to/will pay her bills ahead of time (beforehand).
…is going to/will ask her neighbors to watch her place.
…is going to/will ask her friend to water her plants/feed her cat.

3.  I’m going to shop around (=check the price on a particular item at several stores) before I...
…I buy/purchase a new car.
...I buy anything.

Verb + Infinitive OR Verb + Gerund?

Verb + Infinitive    Example:  She wants to see/to visit/to know

1   agree to do s.t.  同意做某事, consentir en o aceptar hacer algo, дать согласие сов + ср, يوافق  قبل
2    refuse to do s.t.  拒 绝 做 某, negarse a hacer algo, отказываться, يرفض 
3    decide to do s.t. 决 定 做 某, decidir hacer algo, решать, يقرر
4   expect to do s.t.  预计, 预期, 预料, esperar hacer algo,  ожида́ть, يتوقّع            
5   hope to do s.t.  , tener esperanzas de hacer algo, наде́яться, يتوقع
6   intend to do s.t.  打算做某事, pensar hacer algo, намереваться,
7    offer to do s.t.  愿意做一些事, ofrecerse a hacer algo,  предл|ага́ть, يعرض ، يقدم
8   know how to do s.t.
9    learn (how) to do s.t.
10 promise to do s.t.
11 would like to do s.t.

Verb + Gerund    Example:  I enjoy reading/skiing/cooking
12 avoid doing s.t.  , evitar, избегать, يتجنب
13 be tired of doing s.t.  , estar cansado o aburrido de hacer algo, уставать от,   تعبَ من , مستاء,
14 can’t help doing s.t.  不得不,  忍不住,  情不自禁,  他 毫 无 办 法 ,  no puede uno (por) menos de hacer, 
     он ничего не может поделать с этим, لا أستطيع الإمتناع عن كذا
15 can't stand doing* *really don’t like, 讨厌, detestar, aborrecer, ненави́деть, я его терпеть не (могу),
     لا يتحمل، لا يطيق, . لا أستطيع أتحمل ذلك.
16 consider doing s.t.    , pensar (en) hacer algo, подумывать о, подумывать, فكر
17 enjoy doing s.t.
18 finish doing s.t.
19 insist on doing s.t.  坚持要做某事, insistir en hacer algo, настаивать, يصر على، يطالب
20 postpone doing s.t.  推迟, aplazar (hacer) algo, откладывать
21 suggest doing s.t.  建议, 提议, sugerir, proponer, предлагать, советовать, يقترح

Same Verb, Different Meanings:  Verb + Gerund and Verb + Infinitive
22  You remember + doing something that happened or began earlier.
          I remember giving her that present. It made her so happy!  (First I gave it. After that,  I remember giving it.)
23 You remember + to do something that is coming up later or in the future. = Don't forget to do s.t.
          When you buy groceries, remember to get some milk. We're out of it. (First remember. After that, buy.)
24 You stop doing something that is already in progress, has already begun (happening now, 正 在 进 展 中,
     esta avanzando o progresando, в прогресс, جاري، متقدم).
          The doctor says I need to stop smoking. (I currently smoke. I began years ago. In the future, I need to stop.)
          He stopped buying gas at that station because the attendants were rude. (For many years, he bought gas at that  station. Buying the gas was already happening. Then he stopped buying gas there.)
25 Stop to do something is the same as stop in order to do something. 为 了 做 某 事 , para hacer,
     для того чтобы, لكي، من أجل   You are stopping because you need to do something. 
          I was almost out of gas, so I stopped to fill up. (I stopped at a gas station in order to get more gas.)
26 Try doing means to use an alternative way (供替代的, 供选择的, альтернати́ва, بديل) or method.
          If he doesn't understand what you're saying, try speaking in Mandarin instead.
27 Try to means to make an effort* to do something. *尝试 , esfuerzo, уси́лие, جهد                             
          You should try to speak English as much as possible. It's the only way you will become fluent*.
      *流利的, 流畅的, hablar con fluidez/soltura, свободно владеть, فصيح، طليق اللسان

Verb + DOING or TO DO:  Both are O.K. and they have the same meaning.
28 like to do or like doing                                          31 continue to do or continue doing
29 love to do or love doing                                        32 begin to do or begin doing

30 hate to do or hate doing                                      33 start to do or start doing

Infinitive or Gerund: Part 1

Infinitive or Gerund?  Part 1:  Fill in the blanks using an infinitive (to do) or a gerund (doing).

Example: I enjoy (read) _________ spy novels.→ I enjoy reading spy novels. Verb #17 on your sheet

a.    Do you know how (use) ________________ Photoshop?  Verb #__ on your sheet
b.    Her physician has advised her to postpone (have) ______________ the operation until she loses weight. Verb #__
c.    He saw how many bags she had, so he offered (help) ________ her carry them inside the house. Verb #__
d.    I finally finished (write) _______________ my composition. Thank god! It took me forever. Verb #__
e.    I said I could do it by myself, but she insisted on (help) _______________ me. Verb #__
f.    I would like (visit) ________________ my relatives in France this summer, but I don't know if I can afford* it.  *have enough money for   Verb #__
g.    This mosquito bite itches so much! I can't help (scratch*) ______________ it! *  , rascarse, чесать, يحك   Verb #__
h.    I'm tired of (do) __________ grammar exercises all the time. Why can't we do something else? Verb #__
i.     a. Did you forget to send in the payment?
       b. No. I can distinctly (=clearly) remember (put) _____________ the check in the mail box. Verb #__

a. to use  Rule 8

b. having  Rule 20

c. to help  Rule 7

d. writing  Rule 18

e. helping  Rule 19

f. to visit  Rule 11

g. scratching  Rule 14

h. doing  Rule 13

i. putting  Rule 22  First I put the check in the mail box. After that, I remembered putting it in.