Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crab Apple Tree Blossoms

petal flurries
b i l l o w i n g
past my window
up up
then gliding, drifting to the ground

still until the next breath of wind

More suggestions for good 'feng shui'

For good feng shui, it is best not to have your kitchen close to the front door or to the back door, where the feng shui energy can easily escape.


Don't put too many objects in a space. Avoid clutter (零乱, follón, lío, desbarajuste, embrollo). For example, in your kitchen, don't have too many electric appliances on the counter. Put them away in the cabinets.


Fresh flowers bring positive energy to your kitchen. Place a bowl of fruit, a vase of flowers, or a living plant on your kitchen table, windowsill, or wherever the layout of your kitchen allows.  Yellow is a good color for the kitchen because it is good for your digestion.



Avoid long, narrow, straight hallways. They make energy speed up (go faster), and this causes stress. Make your hallways wider and put plants and paintings in them to create a more relaxing energy. Use incandescent lighting (白炽灯照明, освещение лампами накаливания) instead of fluorescent lighting (荧光灯照明, флюоресцентное освещение).


In your office, move your desk so you face the entrance when you are sitting down. If you can't, put a mirror on the wall so you can see who's coming, and put something red (a red sweater, some red tape) on the back of your chair to stop the chi from hitting you in the back.


Most offices have too much metal, and this makes bad chi. Counteract it (抵制它, contrarrestarla, противодействовать этому) by adding plants (wood) and fountains (water), or even a picture of a waterfall.