Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Housing Questions: D-2

Student A:  Housing D-2                                                   
a landlord: 男房东, casero/dueño, домовладе́лец, хозя́ин, مالك العقار
a lease:  租 约, contrato  de arrendamiento, арендный договор, عقد الإيجار
altogether总 共, en total, в общей, في مجموعه 
allowed: 允许, permitido/se permite(n), допусти́мый, позволи́тельный, مسموح، جائز، مباح
the utilities: PG&E, gas, electricity, heat, water, garbage  公用事: PG&E, , 暖气, , , 收垃圾;
los servicios/utilidades (PG&E, gas, electricidad, calefaccion, agua, recogida de basuras);
   PG&E, газ, электричество, нагревание, вода, мусор,
   خدمات (بالغاز, الكهرباء, تدفئة, الماء, جمع (القمامة)
the laundry facilities: washers and dryers so you can wash your clothes

1.  I am a landlord, and you want to rent my apartment. Ask me how much the rent is. 
     Answer:  How much is the rent?
3.  You are looking at my apartment. Maybe you want to rent it. Ask me if there are laundry facilities* in the building. *washers and dryers  
     Answer:  Are there laundry facilities in the building?
5.  You are looking for an apartment. I am a landlord, and you’re interested in my place. You want to know if the apartment comes with a parking space. What do you ask me?
     Answer: Does the apartment come with a parking space?
7.  I am an apartment manager. Ask me how much you have to pay altogether to move in. (e.g., first and last months’ rent, damage deposit)
     Answer:  How much do I have to pay altogether to move in?

Student B:  Housing D-2                                                   
a landlord: 男房东, casero/dueño, домовладе́лец, хозя́ин, مالك العقار
a lease:  租 约, contrato  de arrendamiento, арендный договор, عقد الإيجار
altogether总 共, en total, в общей, في مجموعه 
allowed: 允许, permitido/se permite(n), допусти́мый, позволи́тельный, مسموح، جائز، مباح
the utilities: PG&E, gas, electricity, heat, water, garbage  公用事: PG&E, , 暖气, , , 收垃圾;
los servicios/utilidades (PG&E, gas, electricidad, calefaccion, agua, recogida de basuras);
   PG&E, газ, электричество, нагревание, вода, мусор,
   خدمات (بالغاز, الكهرباء, تدفئة, الماء, جمع (القمامة)
the laundry facilities: washers and dryers so you can wash your clothes

2.  I am a landlord, and you want to rent my apartment. Ask me if you need to sign a lease.
     Answer: Do I need to sign a lease?
4.  I am the apartment manager. Ask me if you can have a cat.
     Answer: Can I have a cat? or: Are cats allowed?
6.  You are looking for an apartment. I am a landlord, and you’re interested in my place. Ask me which Muni lines run close to the apartment. 
     Answer: Which Muni lines run close to the apartment?
8.  I am an apartment manager, and you are talking to me about my apartment. Ask me if utilities are included in the rent.
     Answer: Are utilities included in the rent?

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