Sunday, March 23, 2014

True or False? If your parents live over 80, you are more likely to live over 80.

13. T F If your parents live over 80, you are more likely (可能, probable, вероя́тный) to live over 80.
true Because of genetics (
基因, гене́тика), you are more likely (可能, probable, вероя́тный) to live to an old age if your parents lived to an old age, too.
14. T F A cholesterol level above 200 is dangerous.
Cholesterol over 200 is dangerous. People with high cholesterol are more likely (
可能, probable, вероя́тный) to have a heart attack.
15. T F People who get angry easily usually live longer than other people.
People who get mad easily have more heart attacks and strokes (
, ataque de apoplejía, апоплексический удар п) than easy-going, relaxed people.
16. T F Most Americans eat five servings of vegetables a day.
Most Americans only have two servings (
部份, porciónes, по́рция) of vegetables a day. You should try to eat five servings a day.
17. T F People with more education live longer.
People with more education live longer. They earn more money, eat better food, and get better medical care.
18. T F Running is better exercise than walking.
Walking fast is as good as running. Also, it’s better for your knees.
19. T F Normal blood pressure is 140 over 90.
false Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or lower. If your blood pressure is over 120/80, you should ask your physician how to lower it. (=bring it down)
20. T F In general, people who get lots of speeding tickets don’t live as long as other people.
People with bad driving habits (
習性, hábitos, costumbres, привы́чка) have more accidents, so they don’t live as long as good drivers.

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