it costs it
he cuts he cut
he lets he let
he puts he put
he hurts he hurt
he hits he hit
he quits he quit (to stop, to stop working for a company)
he sets he set (to put, to place)
he wets he wet 把…弄湿, mojar
he upsets he upset 使心烦意乱,使不安, alterar, afectar, disgustar, ofender
he cuts he cut
he lets he let
he puts he put
he hurts he hurt
he hits he hit
he quits he quit (to stop, to stop working for a company)
he sets he set (to put, to place)
he wets he wet 把…弄湿, mojar
he upsets he upset 使心烦意乱,使不安, alterar, afectar, disgustar, ofender
he draws he
he withdraws he withdrew (to take money from a bank account)
he withdraws he withdrew (to take money from a bank account)
he begins he
he drinks he drank
he rings he rang
it shrinks it shrank 缩小,减小,缩减. encoger(se), reducirse
he sings he sang
it sinks it sank 下沉,沉下, 沉,沉没, descender, bajar
he drinks he drank
he rings he rang
it shrinks it shrank 缩小,减小,缩减. encoger(se), reducirse
he sings he sang
it sinks it sank 下沉,沉下, 沉,沉没, descender, bajar
he sits he
he swims
he swam
I am I was
He is he was
They are they were
He is he was
They are they were
he bites he
bit 咬, 咬出,咬成, morder, picar
he hides he hid 隐藏,把…藏起来, esconder(se)
he hides he hid 隐藏,把…藏起来, esconder(se)
he bends he
bent 弯曲, torcer, curvar, doblar
he lends he lent 借(钱)给,贷(款)给, prestar
he sends he sent
he spends he spent
he lends he lent 借(钱)给,贷(款)给, prestar
he sends he sent
he spends he spent
he bleeds he
bled 出血 , 流血, sangrar
he feeds he fed (to give food to someone)
he feels he felt
he keeps he kept
he leaves he left
he meets he met
he reads he read /rεd/
he sleeps he slept
he sweeps he swept 扫,打扫,清扫, barrer, limpiar
he weeps he wept (to cry)
he feeds he fed (to give food to someone)
he feels he felt
he keeps he kept
he leaves he left
he meets he met
he reads he read /rεd/
he sleeps he slept
he sweeps he swept 扫,打扫,清扫, barrer, limpiar
he weeps he wept (to cry)
he blows he
blew 吹,吹动, 向…吹气, soplar, , sonarsela nariz
he knows he knew
he breaks he broke 打破,打碎,打烂,砸破,摔碎romper, partir, quebrar
he wakes he woke
he speaks he spoke
he steals he stole 偷,窃, robar
he knows he knew
he breaks he broke 打破,打碎,打烂,砸破,摔碎romper, partir, quebrar
he wakes he woke
he speaks he spoke
he steals he stole 偷,窃, robar
he brings he
he thinks he thought
he thinks he thought
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