Saturday, November 16, 2013

Future Time Clauses: After he inserts he card, he will withdraw his money.

Practice making future time clauses. Combine the two sentences. Begin with the time words you hear after I say the two sentences.
1. He will insert his card in the slot. He will withdraw his money. (after)
2. She will read her email. She will log on* to her email account. *enter her password (before)
3. He will enroll in the class. He will start attending. (as soon as [=immediately after], tan pronto como)
4. She will step up on the bus. She will have to show the driver her Fast Pass. (after)
5. He will walk back and look for a seat. He will pay his fare. (before)
6. He will eat dinner. He will wrap up the leftovers*. (after)
*the food you still have because you didn’t eat all of it.
7. She will get laid off 2. She will file for 1 unemployment benefits. (as soon as)
1) fill out a form to ask for 2) lose your job because your employer wants to save money
8. He will get his pay check. He will pay his bills. (as soon as)
9. He will find another job. He won’t resign 1 from his current 2 job. (until)
1) quit 2) present, the one he has now

10. She will eat. She will brush her teeth and floss. (after) 

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