Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Health Questionnaire

Ask your partner and don’t show your paper! Circle his answers.
1.     Are or were your parents over 80 years old?  yes  no
3.     How many years of education do you have? ____  
5.     Are you easy-going*, or do you get mad easily?  is easy-going / gets mad easily
        *脾氣隨和, acomodadizo, de trato fácil, relajado, спокойный, مرتاح
6.     Listen: servings:  部份, porciónes, порция, خدمة تقديم الطعام  سيرفر، خادم انترنت
7.     What is your blood pressure? 血壓, presión arterial, кровяно́е давле́ние, ضغط الدم 
        Example: 140/90 = one forty over ninety    ____ /____  
8.     Listen: avoid:  避免, evitar, избегать, يتجنب
9.     What is your cholesterol level*? ____
        *膽固醇, nivel de colesterol, уровень холестерина, نسبة الكولسترول في الدم     
10.   Listen:  checkup:   , chequeo, reconocimiento general, осмотр, فحص طبي عام
11.   Do you have one to two drinks (of wine, beer, etc.) a day?  yes  no

Ask your partner: “Do you think these statements are true or false?” Circle his opinion.
13.   T  F    If your parents live over 80, you are more likely* to live over 80.
                   *可能, probable, вероятный, مرجّح
15.   T  F    People who get angry often usually live longer than other people.
17.   T  F    People with more education live longer.
19.   T  F    Normal blood pressure is 140 over 90.

Ask your partner and don’t show your paper! Circle his answers.
2.     How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? ____
4.     How much fat* do you eat?  *肥肉, 油脂, grasa, دهن ، دسم    very little     a moderate amount     a lot
5.     Listen:  easy-going: * *脾氣隨和, acomodadizo, de trato fácil, relajado, спокойный,  مرتاح
6.     How many servings* of vegetables do you eat a day? ____
        *部份, porciónes, порция, خدمة تقديم الطعام  سيرفر، خادم انترنت
7.     Listen: blood pressure:  血壓, presión arterial, кровяное давление, ضغط الدم  
8.     Do you avoid* exercise? For example, do you take the elevator instead of walking up the stairs?  *避免, evitar, избегать, يتجنب    yes  no
9.     Listen: cholesterol level: 膽固醇, nivel de colesterol, уровень холестерина,
        نسبة الكولسترول في الدم
10.   How often do you get a check-up* at your doctor’s office? __________
        * , chequeo, reconocimiento general, осмотр, فحص طبي عام
12.   How many speeding tickets* have you gotten (in your whole life)? ____
        *a ticket for driving too fast, 超速罚单, multa por exceso de velocidad, штраф за превыше́ние ско́рости, مخالفة سرعة

Ask your partner: “Do you think these statements are true or false?” Circle her opinion.
13.   likely:  可能, probable, вероятный, مرجّح 
14.   T  F    A cholesterol level above 200 is dangerous.
16.   T  F    Most Americans eat five servings of vegetables a day.
18.   T  F    Running is better exercise than walking.
20.   T  F    In general, people who get lots of speeding tickets don’t live as long as other people.

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