Saturday, February 2, 2013

Interview your partner.

Student A
1.    What's your first name?   
2.    Where do you live? Check below. 
           in the City                 What part of the city do you live in?  in ____________________
           in the suburbs           Which suburb do you live in?  in _____________________
3.    Do you like living there? Why or why not? Give three reasons.
4.    Is your place located far from school?   □ yes   □ no
5.    How long does it take you to get to school in the morning? 
6.    How do you get here?
7.    If you had more money, would you move to a different neighborhood?   □ yes   □ no
       If so (=If yes), what neighborhood?

Student B
1.   What's your first name?
2.   What country do you come from?
3.   In your country, did you live in the city, the suburbs, or the countryside?
     □ in the city   □ in the suburbs   □ in the country
4.   In your country, what kind of home did your family live in?
     □ a single-family home    □ an apartment in a small building     □ in a highrise
5.   Did you like the neighborhood where you lived in your country? (not here!)  □ yes   □ no
     neighborhood:  地 区, barrio, окрестности,  حي  neighbors: the people who live close to you
     Why or why not?
6.   Does your family still have a house or apartment in your country? □ yes   □ no
     If so, is it vacant (empty) or does someone live there?          □ vacant   □ someone lives there  Who?

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